Finding the Right Massage Therapist

Let’s face it not all massages are created equal and not all massage therapists turn out to be your favorite. You want the massage session you paid for to meet your expectations and to walk away feeling relief from whatever may be ailing you. So how do you find the right massage therapist for you?

If you do a little homework and actively participate in your session, you can get a great massage!

What are your goals for your massage session?

Is there a nagging muscle cramp, are you having lower back pain, do you need to get back in the game or simply need to relax? Massage therapists are trained in several different types of massage therapy that can address your needs, so keep in mind why you want a massage in the first place.

You as a client need to communicate your needs before, during, and even after the appointment. If the goal is to relax, tell the massage therapist. “Our massage therapists are trained in a variety of techniques so that they can adjust during the massage.” says office manager Amy Lee of Oasis Massage and Spa. “We charge by time, not by technique. Our massage therapists will typically use a variety of techniques to get the desired result.”

Help them help you.

Massage therapists should work with you to find what works best to help you get the experience you want. A great massage therapist is flexible and will make changes while you are on the table, if needed, to give you optimal results.  They are reading your body as they massage, but it is a great help if you speak up.

A massage therapist wants to help you get the most out of your experience so in order to help facilitate that you as a client need to communicate your needs. It’s ok, talk to your massage therapist. They want to hear how it is going. Are you sore in a certain area, tell them. When the massage therapist asks you how the pressure is make sure to tell them honestly if it is too much or too little. Their goal is to help you, so you are not going to hurt their feelings if ask for adjustments to room temperature, pressure, etc.

Book an appointment and enjoy.

A massage therapist becomes a massage therapist because they want to help people.  The licensed massage therapists at Oasis have over 130 years of massage experience for you to benefit from and can educate you on what they can do to help. When you call to book your appointment, communicate your wants and needs to the receptionist. They know our staff and will recommend the right massage therapist for you. And don’t forget, when you get on the table make sure to be ready to provide feedback. Your massage therapist is listening and ready to go above and beyond to provide you with the best experience.  

Want to learn more about our massage therapists at Oasis Massage and Spa? Give us a call we are happy to take the time to find the right fit for you and your needs. We have been in business over 13 years and counting.

Oasis Massage and Spa at #402-964-2267 or learn more about us online at

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